use "operators.sml"; use "list.sml"; exception NotSorted datatype json = Num of real | String of string | False | True | Null | Array of json list | Object of (string * json) list val strcmp = type make_silly_json = int -> json val make_silly_json: make_silly_json = fn num => let fun construct num json = case num of 0 => json | _ => case json of Array arr => Array $ arr @ [Object [("b", True), ("n", Num $ Real.fromInt num)]] in construct num (Array []) end (* not tail recursive *) type concat_with = string * string list -> string val rec concat_with: concat_with = fn (separator, strings) => case strings of [] => "" | one :: [] => one | first :: second :: rest => first ^ separator ^ second ^ concat_with (separator, rest) (* complex, two iterations but tail recursive :) *) val rec concat_with: concat_with = fn (separator, strings) => let fun insert elem acc = elem :: separator :: acc fun concat elem acc = elem ^ acc in case strings of [] => "" | one :: [] => one | head :: tail => foldl insert [head] tail |> foldl concat "" end type quote_string = string -> string val quote_string: quote_string = fn str => "\"" ^ str ^ "\"" type real_to_string_for_json = real -> string val real_to_string_for_json: real_to_string_for_json = fn num => if num < 0.0 then "-" ^ (Real.toString (~num)) else Real.toString num type json_to_string = json -> string val rec json_to_string: json_to_string = fn json => let fun concat strs = concat_with (",", strs) fun convert f json = json |> foldr f [] |> concat fun array elem all = json_to_string elem :: all fun object (key, value) all = (quote_string key ^ ":" ^ json_to_string value) :: all in case json of Num num => real_to_string_for_json num | String str => quote_string str | False => "false" | True => "true" | Null => "null" | Array json => "[" ^ convert array json ^ "]" | Object json => "{" ^ convert object json ^ "}" end type (''a, 'b) assoc = ''a * (''a * 'b) list -> 'b option val rec assoc = fn (needle, lst) => case lst of [] => NONE | (key, value) :: tail => if key = needle then SOME value else assoc (needle, tail) type count_occurrences = (string list * exn) -> (string * int) list val rec count_occurrences: count_occurrences = fn (strs, exn) => let fun repetitons str lst reps order acc = case lst of [] => acc @ [(str, reps)] | head :: tail => case strcmp (str, head) of EQUAL => repetitons str tail (reps + 1) order acc | new_order => if order <> EQUAL andalso new_order <> order then raise exn else repetitons head tail 1 new_order (acc @ [(str, reps)]) in case strs of [] => [] | head :: tail => repetitons head tail 1 EQUAL [] end