2020-07-01 23:48:56 +03:00

123 lines
3.3 KiB
Standard ML

use "operators.sml";
use "list.sml";
datatype pattern =
| Variable of string
| UnitP
| ConstP of int
| TupleP of pattern list
| ConstructorP of string * pattern
datatype valu =
Const of int
| Unit
| Tuple of valu list
| Constructor of string * valu
exception NoAnswer
fun first str = String.sub (str, 0)
val only_capitals = filter (first >> Char.isUpper)
val size = String.size
fun choose f a b = if f a b then a else b
fun biggest a b = size a > size b
fun bigger_or_equal a b = size a >= size b
val longest_string1 = foldl (choose biggest) ""
val longest_string2 = foldl (choose bigger_or_equal) ""
fun longest_string_helper f =
val longest_string3 = longest_string1
val longest_string4 = longest_string2
if f (0, 0)
then longest_string4
else longest_string3
val longest_capitalized = only_capitals >> longest_string2
val rev_string = String.explode >> List.rev >> String.implode
fun first_answer f lst =
case lst of
[] => raise NoAnswer
| head :: tail =>
case f head of
NONE => first_answer f tail
| SOME answer => answer
fun all_answers
(f: ('a -> 'b list option))
(lst: 'a list)
: 'b list option =
fun collect lst acc =
case lst of
[] => SOME acc
| head :: tail =>
case f head of
| SOME lst => collect tail (acc @ lst)
collect lst []
fun sum a b = a + b
(* functions below are too similar to leave them as is.
Find a way how to extract reapiting code
fun count_wildcards (p: pattern) : int =
case p of
Wildcard => 1
| TupleP lst => foldl (count_wildcards >> sum) 0 lst
| ConstructorP (_, pattern) => count_wildcards pattern
| _ => 0
fun collect_variables (p: pattern) : string list =
case p of
Variable str => [str]
| TupleP lst => foldl (collect_variables >> append) [] lst
| ConstructorP (_, pattern) => collect_variables pattern
| _ => []
fun count_variable_lengths (p: pattern) : int =
p |> collect_variables |> foldl (size >> sum) 0
fun count_wild_and_variable_lengths (p: pattern) : int =
count_wildcards p + count_variable_lengths p
fun count_some_var (var, pattern) =
case pattern of
Variable v => if v = var then 1 else 0
| TupleP lst => foldl (fn p => fn acc => acc + count_some_var (var, p)) 0 lst
| ConstructorP (_, pattern) => count_some_var (var, pattern)
| _ => 0
fun check_pat (p: pattern) : bool =
|> collect_variables
|> sort bigger_or_equal
|> distinct
fun match (v: valu, p: pattern) : (string * valu) list option =
case (p, v) of
(Wildcard, _) => SOME []
| (Variable a, v) => SOME [(a, v)]
| (UnitP, Unit) => SOME []
| (ConstP c1, Const c2) => if c1 = c2 then SOME [] else NONE
| (TupleP ps, Tuple vs) => (vs, ps) |> |> all_answers match
| (ConstructorP (s1, p), Constructor (s2, v)) =>
if s1 = s2 then match (v, p) else NONE
| _ => NONE
fun first_match
(v: valu)
(patterns: pattern list) :
(string * valu) list option =
SOME $ first_answer (fn p => match (v, p)) patterns
handle NoAnswer => NONE