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2018-10-16 21:24:48 +03:00
/* Example file for using µnit.
* µnit is MIT-licensed, but for this file and this file alone:
* To the extent possible under law, the author(s) of this file have
* waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this
* work. See <> for
* details.
#include "munit.h"
/* This is just to disable an MSVC warning about conditional
* expressions being constant, which you shouldn't have to do for your
* code. It's only here because we want to be able to do silly things
* like assert that 0 != 1 for our demo. */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(disable: 4127)
/* Tests are functions that return void, and take a single void*
* parameter. We'll get to what that parameter is later. */
static MunitResult
test_compare(const MunitParameter params[], void* data) {
/* We'll use these later */
const unsigned char val_uchar = 'b';
const short val_short = 1729;
double pi = 3.141592654;
char* stewardesses = "stewardesses";
char* most_fun_word_to_type;
/* These are just to silence compiler warnings about the parameters
* being unused. */
(void) params;
(void) data;
/* Let's start with the basics. */
munit_assert(0 != 1);
/* There is also the more verbose, though slightly more descriptive
munit_assert_true/false: */
/* You can also call munit_error and munit_errorf yourself. We
* won't do it is used to indicate a failure, but here is what it
* would look like: */
/* munit_error("FAIL"); */
/* munit_errorf("Goodbye, cruel %s", "world"); */
/* There are macros for comparing lots of types. */
munit_assert_char('a', ==, 'a');
/* Sure, you could just assert('a' == 'a'), but if you did that, a
* failed assertion would just say something like "assertion failed:
* val_uchar == 'b'". µnit will tell you the actual values, so a
* failure here would result in something like "assertion failed:
* val_uchar == 'b' ('X' == 'b')." */
munit_assert_uchar(val_uchar, ==, 'b');
/* Obviously we can handle values larger than 'char' and 'uchar'.
* There are versions for char, short, int, long, long long,
* int8/16/32/64_t, as well as the unsigned versions of them all. */
munit_assert_short(42, <, val_short);
/* There is also support for size_t.
* The longest word in English without repeating any letters is
* "uncopyrightables", which has uncopyrightable (and
* dermatoglyphics, which is the study of fingerprints) beat by a
* character */
munit_assert_size(strlen("uncopyrightables"), >, strlen("dermatoglyphics"));
/* Of course there is also support for doubles and floats. */
munit_assert_double(pi, ==, 3.141592654);
/* If you want to compare two doubles for equality, you might want
* to consider using munit_assert_double_equal. It compares two
* doubles for equality within a precison of 1.0 x 10^-(precision).
* Note that precision (the third argument to the macro) needs to be
* fully evaluated to an integer by the preprocessor so µnit doesn't
* have to depend pow, which is often in libm not libc. */
munit_assert_double_equal(3.141592654, 3.141592653589793, 9);
/* And if you want to check strings for equality (or inequality),
* there is munit_assert_string_equal/not_equal.
* "stewardesses" is the longest word you can type on a QWERTY
* keyboard with only one hand, which makes it loads of fun to type.
* If I'm going to have to type a string repeatedly, let's make it a
* good one! */
munit_assert_string_equal(stewardesses, "stewardesses");
/* A personal favorite macro which is fantastic if you're working
* with binary data, is the one which naïvely checks two blobs of
* memory for equality. If this fails it will tell you the offset
* of the first differing byte. */
munit_assert_memory_equal(7, stewardesses, "steward");
/* You can also make sure that two blobs differ *somewhere*: */
munit_assert_memory_not_equal(8, stewardesses, "steward");
/* There are equal/not_equal macros for pointers, too: */
most_fun_word_to_type = stewardesses;
munit_assert_ptr_equal(most_fun_word_to_type, stewardesses);
/* And null/not_null */
/* Lets verify that the data parameter is what we expected. We'll
* see where this comes from in a bit.
* Note that the casting isn't usually required; if you give this
* function a real pointer (instead of a number like 0xdeadbeef) it
* would work as expected. */
munit_assert_ptr_equal(data, (void*)(uintptr_t)0xdeadbeef);
return MUNIT_OK;
static MunitResult
test_rand(const MunitParameter params[], void* user_data) {
int random_int;
double random_dbl;
munit_uint8_t data[5];
(void) params;
(void) user_data;
/* One thing missing from a lot of unit testing frameworks is a
* random number generator. You can't just use srand/rand because
* the implementation varies across different platforms, and it's
* important to be able to look at the seed used in a failing test
* to see if you can reproduce it. Some randomness is a fantastic
* thing to have in your tests, I don't know why more people don't
* do it...
* µnit's PRNG is re-seeded with the same value for each iteration
* of each test. The seed is retrieved from the MUNIT_SEED
* envirnment variable or, if none is provided, one will be
* (pseudo-)randomly generated. */
/* If you need an integer in a given range */
random_int = munit_rand_int_range(128, 4096);
munit_assert_int(random_int, >=, 128);
munit_assert_int(random_int, <=, 4096);
/* Or maybe you want a double, between 0 and 1: */
random_dbl = munit_rand_double();
munit_assert_double(random_dbl, >=, 0.0);
munit_assert_double(random_dbl, <=, 1.0);
/* Of course, you want to be able to reproduce bugs discovered
* during testing, so every time the tests are run they print the
* random seed used. When you want to reproduce a result, just put
* that random seed in the MUNIT_SEED environment variable; it even
* works on different platforms.
* If you want this to pass, use 0xdeadbeef as the random seed and
* uncomment the next line of code. Note that the PRNG is not
* re-seeded between iterations of the same test, so this will only
* work on the first iteration. */
/* munit_assert_uint32(munit_rand_uint32(), ==, 1306447409); */
/* You can also get blobs of random memory: */
munit_rand_memory(sizeof(data), data);
return MUNIT_OK;
/* This test case shows how to accept parameters. We'll see how to
* specify them soon.
* By default, every possible variation of a parameterized test is
* run, but you can specify parameters manually if you want to only
* run specific test(s), or you can pass the --single argument to the
* CLI to have the harness simply choose one variation at random
* instead of running them all. */
static MunitResult
test_parameters(const MunitParameter params[], void* user_data) {
const char* foo;
const char* bar;
(void) user_data;
/* The "foo" parameter is specified as one of the following values:
* "one", "two", or "three". */
foo = munit_parameters_get(params, "foo");
/* Similarly, "bar" is one of "four", "five", or "six". */
bar = munit_parameters_get(params, "bar");
/* "baz" is a bit more complicated. We don't actually specify a
* list of valid values, so by default NULL is passed. However, the
* CLI will accept any value. This is a good way to have a value
* that is usually selected randomly by the test, but can be
* overridden on the command line if desired. */
/* const char* baz = munit_parameters_get(params, "baz"); */
/* Notice that we're returning MUNIT_FAIL instead of writing an
* error message. Error messages are generally preferable, since
* they make it easier to diagnose the issue, but this is an
* option.
* Possible values are:
* - MUNIT_OK: Sucess
* - MUNIT_FAIL: Failure
* - MUNIT_SKIP: The test was skipped; usually this happens when a
* particular feature isn't in use. For example, if you're
* writing a test which uses a Wayland-only feature, but your
* application is running on X11.
* - MUNIT_ERROR: The test failed, but not because of anything you
* wanted to test. For example, maybe your test downloads a
* remote resource and tries to parse it, but the network was
* down.
if (strcmp(foo, "one") != 0 &&
strcmp(foo, "two") != 0 &&
strcmp(foo, "three") != 0)
return MUNIT_FAIL;
if (strcmp(bar, "red") != 0 &&
strcmp(bar, "green") != 0 &&
strcmp(bar, "blue") != 0)
return MUNIT_FAIL;
return MUNIT_OK;
/* The setup function, if you provide one, for a test will be run
* before the test, and the return value will be passed as the sole
* parameter to the test function. */
static void*
test_compare_setup(const MunitParameter params[], void* user_data) {
(void) params;
munit_assert_string_equal(user_data, "µnit");
return (void*) (uintptr_t) 0xdeadbeef;
/* To clean up after a test, you can use a tear down function. The
* fixture argument is the value returned by the setup function
* above. */
static void
test_compare_tear_down(void* fixture) {
munit_assert_ptr_equal(fixture, (void*)(uintptr_t)0xdeadbeef);
static char* foo_params[] = {
(char*) "one", (char*) "two", (char*) "three", NULL
static char* bar_params[] = {
(char*) "red", (char*) "green", (char*) "blue", NULL
static MunitParameterEnum test_params[] = {
{ (char*) "foo", foo_params },
{ (char*) "bar", bar_params },
{ (char*) "baz", NULL },
/* Creating a test suite is pretty simple. First, you'll need an
* array of tests: */
static MunitTest test_suite_tests[] = {
/* The name is just a unique human-readable way to identify the
* test. You can use it to run a specific test if you want, but
* usually it's mostly decorative. */
(char*) "/example/compare",
/* You probably won't be surprised to learn that the tests are
* functions. */
/* If you want, you can supply a function to set up a fixture. If
* you supply NULL, the user_data parameter from munit_suite_main
* will be used directly. If, however, you provide a callback
* here the user_data parameter will be passed to this callback,
* and the return value from this callback will be passed to the
* test function.
* For our example we don't really need a fixture, but lets
* provide one anyways. */
/* If you passed a callback for the fixture setup function, you
* may want to pass a corresponding callback here to reverse the
* operation. */
/* Finally, there is a bitmask for options you can pass here. You
* can provide either MUNIT_TEST_OPTION_NONE or 0 here to use the
* defaults. */
/* Usually this is written in a much more compact format; all these
* comments kind of ruin that, though. Here is how you'll usually
* see entries written: */
{ (char*) "/example/rand", test_rand, NULL, NULL, MUNIT_TEST_OPTION_NONE, NULL },
/* To tell the test runner when the array is over, just add a NULL
* entry at the end. */
{ (char*) "/example/parameters", test_parameters, NULL, NULL, MUNIT_TEST_OPTION_NONE, test_params },
/* If you wanted to have your test suite run other test suites you
* could declare an array of them. Of course each sub-suite can
* contain more suites, etc. */
/* static const MunitSuite other_suites[] = { */
/* { "/second", test_suite_tests, NULL, 1, MUNIT_SUITE_OPTION_NONE }, */
/* }; */
/* Now we'll actually declare the test suite. You could do this in
* the main function, or on the heap, or whatever you want. */
static const MunitSuite test_suite = {
/* This string will be prepended to all test names in this suite;
* for example, "/example/rand" will become "/µnit/example/rand".
* Note that, while it doesn't really matter for the top-level
* suite, NULL signal the end of an array of tests; you should use
* an empty string ("") instead. */
(char*) "",
/* The first parameter is the array of test suites. */
/* In addition to containing test cases, suites can contain other
* test suites. This isn't necessary in this example, but it can be
* a great help to projects with lots of tests by making it easier
* to spread the tests across many files. This is where you would
* put "other_suites" (which is commented out above). */
/* An interesting feature of µnit is that it supports automatically
* running multiple iterations of the tests. This is usually only
* interesting if you make use of the PRNG to randomize your tests
* cases a bit, or if you are doing performance testing and want to
* average multiple runs. 0 is an alias for 1. */
/* Just like MUNIT_TEST_OPTION_NONE, you can provide
* MUNIT_SUITE_OPTION_NONE or 0 to use the default settings. */
/* This is only necessary for EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE, which you
* *should* be using but probably aren't (no, zero and non-zero don't
* always mean success and failure). I guess my point is that nothing
* about µnit requires it. */
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[MUNIT_ARRAY_PARAM(argc + 1)]) {
/* Finally, we'll actually run our test suite! That second argument
* is the user_data parameter which will be passed either to the
* test or (if provided) the fixture setup function. */
return munit_suite_main(&test_suite, (void*) "µnit", argc, argv);