// ENCRYPTING 1. "openssl des-ecb -S a" prompts to enter password, generate key with given pass and salt, prepend salt header. 2. "openssl des-ecb -pass pass:asd" generate salt and key, prepend salt header. 3. "openssl des-ecb -S a -pass:asd" generate key from givent salt and pass, prepend header. 4. "openssl des-ecb -S a -pass:asd -K 1" encrypt with GIVEN key, prepend GIVEN salt headaer. 5. "openssl des-ecb -K 1" encrypt with given key, doesn't generate and prepend salt. 6. "openssl des-ecb -S 0 -pass pass:asd -P -pbkdf2" generate key using PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC with 10000 iteration, 8 byte salt, 3 byte key, sha256 hash function, prepend salt header. // DECRYPTING 7. "echo -n Salted__ | openssl des-ecb -d" prompts to enter password, generate key but fails to decode. 8. "echo -n Salted__aaaaaaaa | openssl des-ecb -d" prompts to enter password, generate key but fails to validate padding. 9. openssl doesn't expect "Salted__" header only when -K or -S flag supplied (or both simultaneously, in this case salt is discarded), in any other case salt should be readed from message.